
Name: Juri
Age: 9
Description: On her way to being a muscular young lady, for now, she is slim, about average height for her age, with fair, freckled skin, long, tight strawberry ringlets and ice blue eyes.
Family: Daughter of one of Kavera's junior weyrwomen, and one of the many other riders, Juri has a twin brother, but no other blood siblings. Since her mother was generally busy with weyr duties, she and her brother were fostered with their mother's brother and his family, who lived and worked in the nearby hold.
Personality: Juri can be very generous, though she does have a few things that she is very selfish about. She dislikes being alone, is afraid of the headwoman at the hold, after an unfortunate incident involving a hearth cat and some chickens (in the linen closet), and wants very much to travel when she gets older. She is quite polite to everyone, though is easily distracted from her work.
History: Fostered with her uncle from a very young age, Juri is very fond of him and his family, feeling he is more like a father than an uncle. She and her brother were educated alongside their cousins, with additional lessons taken at the weyr, at their mother's insistence.
Dragon: Green w/ White Orith
Standing at: Falas Weyr
From: Kavera Weyr


Name: Orith
Color: green w/ white
Color Size: sport
Length: 19'5"
Height: 5'5"
Genetic Code: XgwdF Xgwd+F RR Bb Hh LL Uu C1C6 T1T1 o2o4 (ss N2*N3) M1M1
